My Art Featured this month in HeART for JUMP
If you happen to be in downtown Boise in the next few weeks, don’t be surprised if you see more than just flowers blooming at the JUMP campus.
Over 400 artists have created a “symbol of friendship, affection, love represents the essence of human experience and emotion,” on heart-shaped pieces of wood. The event is the Blooming HeARTs community art installation, and it runs through August at JUMP in downtown Boise.
I’m approached several times a year by organizations, companies, and individuals who are interesting in using my artwork in a public setting and for a good cause. I’ve been a contributor to the Flying M Aids art show for over 25 years. Sometimes these calls are worthwhile endeavor, and other times I simply don’t have the time to participate.
I was contacted in early June to participate in the Blooming HeARTs community art installation. Since the pandemic, I’ve been working hard on new designs for stickers, as well as some amazingly-cute pet portraits. With everything going on, I wasn’t really in the correct frame of mind to create something from scratch for this event. But since it seemed like such a great community event, I used a new sticker design for my submission for the exhibit.
The HeARTS community art installation theme asked artist’s to create a “symbol of friendship, affection, love represents the essence of human experience and emotion.” The work was to be created on a small wooden heart affixed with a wooden rod.

The piece, titled “Dusk in the Idaho Mountains,” features an iconic part of Idaho summer – a tent softly lit by a campfire in the mountains of Idaho, just before darkness. The artwork recreates a moment that is played out across the state countless times each summer season and represents why I love Idaho – the trees, mountains, and rivers.
My work can be viewed along with the work of 400 others in and around the campus of JUMP, located at 1000 W Myrtle Street, in downtown Boise, Idaho through August and part of September.
There are no prices on the pieces, however, organizers urge you to look on the back of each work for the artist’s name and contact information is you want to purchase a piece.
I recommend spending a few minutes walking around the area and viewing the selected works. Practicing social distancing is very easy in the outdoor garden area at JUMP.
There are some truly beautiful pieces in the collection.